Murder Therapy - Mystery Shows to Enhance Life

The world of therapeutic treatment and counseling has grown greatly over the years with more people seeking assistance when it is needed. As part of this growth, more people are participating in groups, and these groups are becoming much more social. For such groups, having activities that can help reinforce the benefits and knowledge key to success through entertainment can help keep things fresh and new while improving the experience of participating in such groups. This page has information on just a few ideas on how we can help and information about how to contact us to create more options.

Note: This is not meant as a replacement for any form of therapy and is not a licensed therapeutic product. It is meant as an entertainment form that can be used to entertain and bond members of group therapy programs and possibly illuminate certain valuable facts. There are no guarantees implied and you should always consult professionals if you have any concerns.

murder mystery group therapy entertainment programs

Murder Therapy - Mystery Shows to Improve Groups

Role-Playing - Entertainment - Education

they improvThere are two general types of groups that we believe that we can help with our murder mystery shows. The first is support groups with people that are more experienced. For people that have already been participating in these support groups, they're general in relative control of their situation and participation is more about supporting one another. This can make attendance feel more mandatory and the event itself unexciting. For these people, we seek to inject a little fun into the event, benefit people to interact socially outside of the group setting and disrupt the routine. Again, this is for more experienced participants who are ready for a disruption of routine that won't adversely impact their situation.

The other type of group is where an organization seeks to educate the community on an issue. This could be a church group, a charity or even a governmental organization. The idea is to help entice people to attend, to participate and to make the information more entertaining in nature so as to get the people to be more engaged and to retain the information. This could be for any number of issues and we can discuss options if you like.

We have created some pages to discuss a variety of options, though are certainly not the limit of what we can accomplish. If you can imagine it, we can do it. Feel free to review these pages and the information shown here to see some options as well as to inspire you to come up with other ways that we can help.

Marriage Counseling. The very first idea that we had come up with was for church groups looking to inspire their members to understand the stresses involved in marriages and to help them overcome these problems. We would provide a Cambridge Solution where there would be 2-4 couples as the characters. Each represents a different problem in marriages and it was those problems that may have led to the marriage counselor being killed. This can be psychoeducational as people begin to see and identify their own problems in others as well as helping with the interpersonal process of connecting through meaningful relationships while utilizing the skills development for maintaining their marriage. It's meant to be fun and comedic and get people to see some of the stressors in a relaxed environment.

Substance Abuse. For people in a support group looking to overcome a substance abuse problem, or addiction of any sort, the main focus is on getting members of the group to connect with one another and develop bonds of trust. We focus more on entertainment for these groups by just getting them to laugh together and have a good time. This could also include cognitive or behavioral problem solving that can assist in providing some perspective on personal issues. We could aim at the specifics of addiction, if you would like to discuss such approaches.

Physical Abuse. For groups of people who were victims of some form of physical abuse, there are a lot of things that can be accomplished through laughter, bonding and building of self-esteem. The mystery itself is done in an amusing way so as to take any of the stigma away from it while giving the participants new found strength in being the center of attention. Again, this is more for people that have already built some distance between themselves and the events that led them to join the group. This is designed to help them further heal and continue their growth.

Depression. Support groups are made of people who share a common disorder who meet to discuss things, recall experiences, share ideas and methods and be there for one another. Whether for depression, anxiety, specific trauma, etc., it really is finding a place of like minded people that can get a feeling of safety in numbers and affirmation that the feelings that emerge are natural. It may sound like an oversimplification as a solution for these groups, but we look to get people laughing and enjoying themselves. More importantly, we seek to give them things to look forward to and breed a degree of optimism. Of course this isn't seen as a way to deal with chemical imbalances, but rather a way to influence mood through bonding with others, getting them to reach out to make connections and to enjoy themselves.

Life Counseling. Similar to the Marriage Counseling section, we can teach a variety of things through both positive and negative reinforcement. Through looking at characters demonstrating positive and negative traits and having those traits lead to the culprit can help very quickly show lessons in a form that isn't a lecture. For group therapy programs, the life counseling may be more in the line of coping with everyday choices and looking to better understand their relationships and are looking for sounding boards to help make healthier choices for themselves and those they care for. Generally more bonding programs help with such groups so that people can see each other as more full human beings as opposed to the issues brought up during sessions.

The same skills that get people working together can help people make connections with others, help make people self aware as to the impact their choices have on others and to learn valuable lessons in an entertaining and safe environment. This has made the programs that we provide especially useful for those looking to reconnect with people or to get the feeling of support to empower people to overcome their own personal demons.

Our name is THEY improv. This means that it's never about us. It's what THEY need that we're interested in. Simply contact us if you would like a further explanation of our philosophy.

Locations. We have people already in most major cities around the country or can make arrangements if needed. This includes the top cities such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Houston, Phoenix, Denver, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Nashville, Atlanta, Charlotte and practically anywhere else you can imagine. We also have access to Canada, Mexico and the islands of the Caribbean if you would like to conduct something while at a retreat. Simply contact us to find out how we can help you.

Contact Us. Contact us by email at or by calling (866) 219-4386.